
创造力工作环境缺失及建构路径研究——基于我国技术研发人员需求偏好的视角 被引量:2

Research on the Imperfection of Creative Work Environment and Its Construction Path——Perspective on Needs and Preferences of the Professional Technicists of China
摘要 采用深入访谈法,以24名本科以上学历具有工科背景的员工为对象,根据对技术研发人员的描述,分析了我国创造力缺失的现状及影响因素。研究发现:目前对于技术研发人员的管理既未能满足其需求偏好,也未能契合技术研发的职业特点。加之不良的宏观产业环境,导致企业间无序竞争等,致使高比例大范围的技术人员放弃技术工作。研究指出,创造力工作环境建构应分步进行,良好的产业市场环境是创新社会构建的前提,庞大、稳定的基础技术人员队伍是建设创新型社会的基础。在这个前提和基础上,才有可能建构促进高层次创新型人才发挥创造力的创造力工作环境。 In this thesis, we adopted individual in--depth interview and the objects in this study were 24 employees who had engineering bachelor's degree. Based on the description of the professional technicists, we intended to discuss the obstacles of creative work environment and its influential sources. We reached a conclusion that management of technology research and development employees did not fulfill research staff's need and take the job characteristics into consideration. Addition-ally, adverse macro industrial environment resulted in disorderly competition among firms. So a very high proportion of re- search staff dropped technical profession. In the end, this research pointed out a discussion on the construction of creativi- ty work environment in China should be conducted step by step. In addition, a good market environment is the premise of social innovation and a large number of stable basic technical personnel team is the basis of building an innovative society. Only in this context can we make a creativity work environment which can motivate high-level innovative talents to work harder and become more creative.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第14期151-155,共5页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(IIYJA790077) 江苏省软科学项目(BR2013076)
关键词 技术研发人员 创造力工作环境 需求偏好 职业承诺 Technology R&D Employee Creative Work Environment Needs and Preferences Occupational Commitment
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