
DirectX 10图形应用程序截获技术的研究

Research on Interception Technique of DirectX 10 Graphics Application
摘要 Direct X是主流图形API,在多媒体、娱乐等领域得到广泛应用。为实现图形表面的跨进程共享,从Direct X 10开始使用Direct X图形基础架构(DXGI)对图形硬件进行底层管理。DXGI带来性能提升的同时也给图形应用程序的截获工作带来困难。为完成Direct X 10程序的拦截,需要同时截获多个图形库的函数。针对此问题,完善DLL替换+Detours的图形应用程序截获框架,克服现有截获技术的缺陷,完成Direct X 10程序的截获工作,并解决因DXGI、D3D10图形库间依赖关系产生的进程死锁问题。最后,基于该截获框架,开发出一套单机驱动的多投影显示系统,Direct X 10程序不需做任何修改就能多投影显示。实验结果表明,使用所提出的截获技术后图形应用程序画面流畅,运行稳定。 As a mainstream of graphics APIs,DirectX is extensively applied in many fields such as multimedia and recreation.Beginning from DirectX 10.the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure(DXGI) is used for the underlying management over graphics hardware,which makes it difficult to detour graphics applications.The detour program must to intercept the functions of numerous graphics libraries.In this paper,we provide an optimization in the graphics application interception framework of DLL replacing +Detours,so as to overcome the defects of existing interception technique and enable to detour DirectX 10 applications.In the end,we develop a multi-projection display system based on function interception,which can enable DirectX programs to give multi-projection displays without any modification.Experimental result shows that,after the application of our function interception based migration approach,the rendering of the application is smooth and stable.
作者 李一天
机构地区 复旦大学
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2015年第7期22-26,5,共5页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 函数截获 DETOURS 多投影显示 Function Interception Detours Multi-channel Display
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