
美国智库在网络安全政策决策机制中的作用及特点 被引量:12

The Role of American Think-Tanks in U. S. Cyber Security Decision-Making
摘要 智库在美国政治决策过程中扮演着重要角色,负责生产知识、讨论公共政策、交流信息并提供解决方案。在参与美国网络安全政策决策的进程中,美国智库逐步分化为安全导向、自由导向、国际战略导向和专业技术导向四类,它们在政治倾向、关注议题、政策立场上各有侧重。结合网络安全决策跨领域、跨议题、跨部门的特点,美国智库通过建立平台、议程设置和人才交流等方式,或间接、或直接地把自身的研究成果、思想理念嵌入到美国网络安全决策之中,并对相关政策产生重要影响。此外,美国智库注重对中国网络战略的研究,并与中国相关智库开展了一系列二轨对话、联合研究,在中美网络安全外交中具有重要影响力。 Think tanks have played a critical role in the U. S. cyber-security decision making process as they are acting as the platforms to produce knowledge,discuss public policy,exchange information and provide solutions to various problems. In studying the cyber security and participating in decision-making,they have gradually developed their own characteristics with different focuses. The think-tanks have tried,directly or indirectly,to embed their research achievements and ideals into the U. S. cyber-security policy. The U. S. think-tanks have also attached great importance on U. S. cyber-security strategy towards China,and have conducted a series of dialogue and joint research with the relevant Chinese think-tanks,and thus have been exerting important influence on the SinoU. S. cyber security diplomacy.
作者 鲁传颖
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期42-49,64,共8页
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“‘棱镜门’与中国参与国际互联网治理战略研究”(项目批准号:15CGJ001)阶段性研究成果
关键词 美国 智库 网络安全决策机制 对华网络安全研究与合作 American think-tanks,cyber security decision-making,U.S.cyber-security strategy towards China,bilateral cooperation
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