
试析巴西华侨华人的社会融入特点与挑战 被引量:7

Study on Feature and Challenge of Social Integration of Overseas Chinese in Brazil
摘要 中国人移民巴西已有200多年的历史,据统计,当前巴西华侨华人的数量在20万-25万之间,巴西已成为南美华侨华人第二大聚居地(仅次于秘鲁)。经过几代人的耕耘,巴西华侨华人的规模和影响力越来越强,尤其是近些年大量涌入的华商。近些年,巴西国内政治经济形势变化之快,使巴西华侨华人社会面临着各种新机遇和新挑战。本文主要分析巴西华侨华人在融入当地社会过程中所作出的积极努力和成效,以及他们在融入过程中所遇到的困难和挑战。巴西华侨华人的社会融入呈现多元化趋势,华商经济实力不断增强,但华人参政力量还很薄弱,社会治安问题带来的安全隐患也成为困扰巴西华侨华人的一大难题。 The history of Chinese migrating to Brazil is more than 200 years. According to some statistics,currently the number of overseas Chinese in Brazil is about 300,000,and Brazil has become the second largest settlement of overseas Chinese in South America( after Peru). After several generations of cultivation,the number and influence of overseas Chinese in Brazil has been growing constantly. In recent years,with the changing of Brazil political and economic situation,overseas Chinese society in Brazil is facing with new opportunities and challenges. This article will analysis the difficulties and challenges that overseas Chinese in Brazil have encountered in the process of integrating into the local society. Brazil's overseas Chinese have actively integrated into the local society,and they take an active part in social public welfare and charity activities,in order to give feedback to local society. However,the local public security also causes certain negative influence on Chinese operations.
作者 密素敏
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2015年第2期64-73,共10页 Southeast Asian Affairs
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"侨情新变化与中国侨务理论创新研究"(14BZZ072)
关键词 巴西华侨华人 社会融入 挑战与困扰 overseas Chinese in Brazil social integration challenge and trouble
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