

Study on acute toxicity of outlet water of new technology from a sewage treatment plant in Zhengzhou City
摘要 目的研究郑州市某污水处理厂新技术出水急性毒性,为城市污水回用安全评价提供科学依据。方法按《化学品毒理学评价程序和试验方法》(GBZ/T240—2011)对深度处理出水进行急性经口、经皮、眼刺激、皮肤刺激和皮肤致敏实验。结果新技术出水对小鼠急性经口LD50雌性为6810 mg/kg BW,属于实际无毒级;雄性为4220 mg/kg BW,属于低毒级;大鼠急性经皮LD50雌性为6810 mg/kg BW,雄性为5620 mg/kg BW,均属于实际无毒级。对兔眼角膜、结膜均有不同程度损伤作用,眼刺激积分指数(IAOI)为28,眼刺激平均指数(MIOI)7 d后小于20,属于中度刺激性;对豚鼠皮肤刺激积分均值为0,刺激强度为无刺激性;对豚鼠皮肤致敏积分均值为0,为无致敏性。结论新技术出水在回用过程中不可经口摄入,避免眼睛接触,经皮接触无刺激和致敏作用。 Objective To study the acute toxicity of outlet water of new technology from a sewage treatment plant in Zhengzhou City,and provide scientific basis for safety evaluation of municipal sewage reuse. Methods Based on procedures and tests for toxicological evaluations of chemicals( GBZ / T 240—2011),the acute oral toxicity test,the acute dermal toxicity test, the acute eye irritation test, the skin irritation and sensitization tests were conducted on advanced treatment outlet water. Results The LD50 of outlet water of new technology in female mice and male mice were 6810 and 4220 mg / kg BW in the acute oral toxicity test respectively,and the former was actually no grade toxicity,the latter was low grade toxicity. The LD50 in female rats and male rats were 6810 and 5620 mg / kg BW in the acute dermal toxicity test respectively,and both were no grade toxicity. Advanced treatment outlet water could damage the rabbit cornea and conjunctiva differently,IAOI was 28,and MIOI was less than 20 after seven days,so advanced treatment outlet water had middle irritation for the rabbit cornea and conjunctiva. The mean value of skin irritation was 0,so it had no irritation for guinea pigs. The mean valueof skin sensitization was 0,so it had no sensitization for guinea pigs. Conclusion Outlet water of new technology is reused by reducing the chances of contracting it with the mouth and eyes,and has no skin irritation and skin sensitization.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期648-651,共4页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 "十一五"国家水重大专项子课题(No.2009ZX07210-010-001)
关键词 出水 急性毒性 刺激作用 污水处理 outlet water acute toxicity irritant action sewage treatment
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