

Detection for gene-based gene-gene interaction via kernel canonical correlation analysis
摘要 目的基于核典型相关分析,研究两整体基因的交互作用。方法通过统计模拟实验,在基于群体的病例对照研究中,运用核典型相关分析,构建FTO基因和PRDM16基因交互作用的KCCU统计量,并进行检验与评价。结果 KCCU统计量的检验效能与检验水准、样本含量、最小等位基因频率有关,且两整体基因交互作用量越大时,检验效能越高。当检验水准为0.05,基因频率高于0.05,交互作用OR>1.5,样本量>5000时,KCCU检验效能达0.8以上。结论在大样本高交互研究中,KCCU统计量是一种科学有效的检验整体基因间交互作用的统计推断方法。 Objective To detect the gene-based gene-gene interaction by kernel canonical correlation analysis. Methods Based on case-control study, statistical simulation studies were conducted to construct and test the KCCU statistic to evaluate gene-based gene-gene interaction of gene FTO and gene PRDM16 by kernel canonical correlation analysis. Results The power of KCCU statistic was related to significant level,sample size, minor allele frequency, and it was higher when the gene-gene interaction increased. The power arrived 0. 8 at the significant level of 0. 05 when the minor allele frequency was higher than 0. 05,the interaction odds ratio was higher than1. 5,and the sample size was greater than 5000. Conclusion KCCU statistic is a valid and powerful statistical inference method for detecting gene-based gene-gene interaction in the large sample analysis with high interaction.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期666-670,共5页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.81001280 81202277)
关键词 核典型相关分析 整体基因 交互作用 kernel canonical correlation analysis gene-based gene-gene interaction
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