

The Function of Resolving Disputes in Chinese Folk Beliefs in the Context of Urbanization——Taking “Zengbu Village Dismantle Incident” as a Case
摘要 早期广州增埗曹主娘娘庙具有广州地区的地方管理和传统司法权力的"集庙"性质。当地蔡氏宗族通过掌握曹主娘娘神诞的组织权,进而掌握地方话语权。由此可见增埗精英通过对村神庙(曹主娘娘庙)的占有为当地宗族和居民谋取利益。当地宗族精英还通过与同宗和同义的政治、经济,甚至是武力的同盟以捍卫宗族的利益和巩固其在地方的话语权。参考曹主信仰发源地宗族精英如何通过"大传统"以及信仰仪式和经文取得国家对其宗教事务乃至法律地位的认可,可以把握增埗的宗族精英如何将村庙变成集庙。同时,通过增埗的"拆迁"案例分析地方宗族利用传统的民间信仰仪式将各个分散的社区力量集中起来,掌握地方话语权并通过仪式对内、对外进行宣示,并利用此话语权与权力和商业力量互动博弈,从而达到保护地方居民利益的目的。本文旨在讨论如何通过历史人类学的理论和方法,在现代语境中去把握宗族和民间信仰在地方事务中的角色及其所能发挥的特殊功能。 Before the founding of People's Republic of China, Zengbu Village's Caozhu Temple functioned as local affair management and court of conventional law, as a Jimiao. The kin of Cai controls the organization right for the Temple Ceremony as well as right of speech for local affairs, in order to ensure the best interests for the village residents. Kin of Cai uses political, economic, even force to further reinforce their control of the local affairs. Taking the systematic measures of control in other villages as references to comprehend the earlier Caozhu-worship-kins' method of social control, one can understand how the kin of Cai expresses their right over the land through both "great" and "little" traditions, by making the village temple into a Jimiao. Meanwhile, based on the case study of "Zengbu Village Dismantle Incident", the methodology of uniting different social force to protect local residents' interests, via negotiating with the official demension through Caozhu Birth Ceremony, is becoming comprehensible. The goal of this article is to discuss the folk believes' unique role of local benefit, according to a historic anthropological perspective, in China's urbanization context.
作者 黄韧
出处 《地方文化研究》 2015年第2期106-112,105,共8页 Local Culture Research
基金 2012年基金重大招标项目"客家文化研究"(编号:12&ZD1327)阶段性研究成果
关键词 曹主信仰 宗族 权威 纠纷 Caozhu Belief Kinship Power Dispute
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