
基于客体工作记忆的保持对时间判断的影响(英文) 被引量:1

The Impact of Maintaining Object in Working Memory on Time Judgment
摘要 本研究探讨工作记忆内容的保持能否影响时间判断,采用难以用言语编码和保持的抽象客体作为刺激材料,操作记忆内容与时间任务中刺激的关联程度。实验1将工作记忆中的变化觉察范式和时间判断任务结合,具体来讲,要求被试首先记忆一个客体,然后在每个trial的最后判断测试刺激是否与记忆项相同;在延迟阶段,被试完成时间判断任务,即判断相继出现的两个刺激的时距哪个更长(或更短)。记忆匹配条件下,时间任务中的一个刺激与记忆内容完全相同,相应的另一个刺激与记忆内容在形状和颜色上都不同,记忆匹配和记忆不匹配各占一半。匹配刺激先短后长、先长后短的顺序在被试内充分平衡;记忆不匹配条件下,时间任务中的两个刺激均与记忆项无关。结果发现,记忆匹配刺激不存在顺序效应;相比无记忆匹配条件,记忆匹配延长了时间判断的时间;进一步分析发现记忆匹配刺激与长时距对应时,正确率更低,反应时更长。为了进一步探讨实验1的结果是由对记忆内容的保持造成的,还是由刺激的重复出现造成的,实验2要求被试忽略第一个刺激,仅完成时间判断任务。结果发现,知觉匹配和知觉不匹配条件在时间判断的正确率和反应时上都无显著差异。研究说明记忆内容的保持引起了注意定向,影响了人们对时间信息的判断和决策。 The current study explored the effect of retention of working memory content on time judgment by manipulating the validity of WM content. We used irregular objects as experimental stimuli, and made the object during duration judgment match the WM content or not. In Experiment 1, using a dual task paradigm combing working memory and time judgment task, we asked participants first to memorize an object, and indicate whether a test object changed at the end of each trial. During the delay period, participants had to judge which of two successive objects was presented longer (or shorter). In Experiment 2, participants were required to ignore the first object, and only to perform time judgment task. The results revealed that in comparison with single timing task, retention of WM content prolonged the decision time of duration judgment. Furthermore, in memory-matching and perception-matching conditions, there were lower precision and longer decision time when matching stimuli had a longer duration than mismatching ones, as compared to when matching objects had a shorter duration than mismatching ones. This study suggests that maintenance of WM information did increased the difficulty of decision, WM content-based interference might be caused by attentional orientation derived from WM content.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期777-785,共9页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 funded by Rey Fund Project of Sichuan Provincal Department of Education(15SH0003) the Mechanism and Application of Temporal Range/Synthetic Model(TR201201-1)
关键词 工作记忆 保持 时间知觉 注意定向 working memory retention time perception attention orientation
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