
社交网站中的自我呈现对自尊的影响:社会支持的中介作用 被引量:45

The Effect of Self-presentation in Online Social Network Sites on Self-seteem: The Mediating Role of Social Support
摘要 随着网络的日益普及,社交网站已成为人们活动的新领域和人际交往的新媒介。同现实交往一样,在社交网站中个体会采用不同的自我呈现策略。为探讨社交网站中自我呈现策略、社会支持和自尊的关系,采用问卷法对485名大学生进行了调查,结果发现:(1)社交网站中积极和真实自我呈现均与社会支持和自尊呈显著正相关,但真实自我呈现与领悟社会支持和自尊的相关程度更高。(2)社会支持在积极自我呈现与自尊关系中的中介效应不显著,积极自我呈现对自尊只有显著的直接预测作用;真实自我呈现对自尊不仅有显著的直接预测效应,还能通过社会支持的部分中介效应对其产生影响。 According to the 34th statistical report of CNNIC, the number of online social network sites’ users has reached 257, which makes up 40.7% of the internet users. The number of people using social network sites also has maked up 67% of the global Internet users wordwidely; with the rapid rise and popularity of social network sites, the social impact of social network sites’ ues has become a focus of attention of relevant research scholars.Social network sites, which aimes at encouraging people to build and maintain a network of friends, provides a necessarily supplementary way to interact with others, which has an important effect on individuals’ psychological and social adaption. Researches has confirmed that: the use of social networking sites could increases social capital and promotes individual’s social adaptation and happiness. Researchers also explored the effect of social networking sites’ use on individual’s psychological and social adaptation: it could affect individual’s psychological and social adaptation through social capital, the building of intimate relationship and support from the friends in social network sites.Self-presentation, which was also called mpression management or impression regulation, refers to that one controls the content of the information and the way it was presented, in order to affect the formation and change of their impressions on others. It is a common phenomenon in interpersonal interactions, and with the popularity of internet, self-preeentation extends to the interent. Internet provides individuals with a relatively safe environment, and the non-real-time of online commuciation also provides a maximum control over self-presentation and expression. People could engage in self-presentation through profile construc-tion, status updates, photo album management, message-posting, and so on, so social network sites has become an ideal platform for self-presentation. As in real life, individual would presente themsleives with different strategies, and the common self-presentation strategies were positive self-presentation and honest self-presentation. Different self-presentation strategies have different effects on individuals.; relevant researches has confirmed that this two strategies has different effect on individuals’ social adaption with different mechanism.On this basis, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different strategies of self-presentation on individual’s self-esteem, and fuether explored the effect of social support between them. And a survey had been conducted to examine the relationship among positive and honest self-presentation in social network sites, social support and self-esteem of college students. The participants were 485 college students; and four questionnaires were used in this study: Positive Self-presentation Questionnaire, Honest Self-presentation Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Scale and Self-Esteem Scale.The results indicated that: (1) The positive and honest self-presentation were both positively correlated with social support and self-esteem, but the honest self-presentation was higher correlated with social support and self-esteem. (2) the mediating effect of social support was not significant in positive self-presentation’s effect on self-esteem, positive self-presentation only had a direct effect on self-esteem; while not only could honest self-presentation signifiantly predicted self-esteem, but it could also affect self-esteem through the mediating role of social support. This indicated that the positive self-presentation reflect people’s tendency to hold positive beliefs about themselves, from which the psychological benefits of self-enhancement are derive; while friends are more likely to provide support when they know that the user is in need for support through honest self-presentation, and this could be beneficial to their self-esteem.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期939-945,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(11&ZD151) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31400887) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2013M531712) 华中师范大学专项资金项目(CCNU13A03011)的资助
关键词 社交网站 自我呈现 自尊 社会支持 中介作用 social network site self-presentation self-esteem social support mediating effect
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