MOOCs are a type of high-quality teaching materials, and used by some on-site instructors at other institutions to support students to learn on-campus courses. It is a new approach to blended learning in universities beyond MOOCs. This paper discussed a case study of the model for MOOC-based blended learning. The Web Science MOOC of the University of Southampton, hosted on the FutureLearn Platform in the UK, was used as an integrated component of a course being delivered by Beijing Normal University (BNU). Chinese students were asked to study the MOOC, and discuss online in a local Moodle site. In addition, four online seminars were delivered by academics from Southampton. At the end of the collaborative blended course from BNU and Southampton, a survey and focus group interview were conducted. The data shows that the majority of students were satisfied with this collaborative blended course and think that all four components of the blended course were valuable. The basic prerequisites of this model include: higher English language proficiency for Chinese students, and network infrastructure for web-based video conference. The biggest advantage of this model is that students can gain a wide range of learning support from both local and foreign teachers.
Modern Distance Education Research