
黑龙江口岸地区鼠类动物中汉坦病毒感染情况调查 被引量:6

Epidemiologic investigation on Hantavirus carried by rodents at Heilongjiang frontier ports
摘要 目的了解黑龙江省中俄边境11个口岸鼠类宿主动物携带汉坦病毒(Hantavirus,HV)状况及其分子流行病学特征。方法采用夹夜法和鼠笼法捕获鼠类,应用巢式PCR方法对鼠肺样本进行检测,对阳性样本测序并分型,获得序列用MEGA6进行分析。结果此次调查共捕获鼠类动物346只,经鉴定隶属3科9属11种。检测出汉坦病毒核酸阳性样本17份,平均带毒率为4.90%,包括汉滩型病毒(Hantaan virus,HNTV)6例,汉城型病毒(Seoul virus,SEOV)11例,首次在黑龙江口岸东方田鼠中检测到1例SEO型HV。进化分析表明,6株HNT型HV均与HNT型HV原型株76-118亲缘性较远(86.82%~88.43%),分别与HNT型HV株BAO14、HXZ244同源性最高;11株SEO型HV分别与SEO型HV株Gongzhuling97、北京株BjHD01、越南株HaiPhong3-11同源性最高。结论黑龙江中俄边境口岸宿主动物感染汉坦病毒至少2个类型,相对较高的感染率提示着中俄边境地区开展肾综合征出血热监测和防控的迫切性。 We investigated the rodent carrying the Hantaan virus (HV) and the characteristics of molecular epidemiology at Heilongjiang frontier ports at Sino-Russia border. The night trapping and mouse cages were used to capture rodents, rodent lung samples were detected by nested PCR method, positive samples were sequenced and genotyped, and obtained sequences were then analyzed by MEGA6. In this survey, we captured 346 rodents, identified to be 3 families, 9 genera and 11 species. A total of 17 samples carried Hantavirus were with the infection rate of 4. 9~. In which, 6 samples belonged to HNTV and ll samples to SEOV, which was the first case of SEOV detected from Microtus fortis in Heilongjiang Port, China. Phylogenetic analysis showed that 6 strains of Hantavirus were not closely related to the prototype strain Hantaan76-118 (homology was 86.82%-88.43%), but showed high homology with HNT BAO14 and HNT HXZ244 strains. The 11 strains of Seoul virus showed high homology with SEO Gongzhuling97, SEO BjHD01, and SEO HaiPhong3-11 (isolated from Vietnam) strains re- spectively. Based on the above results, we can analyse that at least two types of Hantavirus infected by rodent at Heilongjiang Sino-Russian border, and a relatively high infection rate suggested the importance of increasing monitoring and control HFRS at Sino-Russian border areas.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期681-686,共6页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 国家质量监督检验检疫总局科研基金(2014IK047) 黑龙江出入境检验检疫局科研基金(2013HK006) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(DL13CA04)~~
关键词 汉坦病毒 鼠类动物 巢式PCR 基因测序及分型 系统进化分析 分子流行病学 Hantavirus rodents nested PCR gene sequencing and genotyping phylogenetic analysis molecular epidemi-ology
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