
汉英口译目标语交际规范的描写研究--基于现场口译语料库中增补性偏移的分析 被引量:11

Describing the target-language communication norms in Chinese-English interpreting
摘要 作用于口译过程及口译产品的主要因素包括译员的口译能力、口译现场的认知处理条件以及口译规范,口译规范作为译员惯常适用的内在化规则,在口译产品塑造中的作用不可忽视。口译研究的前人成果主要集中在口译的认知处理过程和以教学为导向的口译技能培养上,关于口译规范的系统研究仍比较缺乏。本研究基于自建汉英现场口译语料库,采用描写翻译学的源语-目标语比较法及语料库检索和统计手段,系统分析了现场口译中的增补性偏移现象,包括衔接性增补、信息性增补和隐含义的显性化增补等。研究发现,译员在汉英口译中倾向于遵循逻辑明晰化、信息具体化、话语意义显性化的目标语交际规范。译员适用上述口译目标语交际规范,目的是优化目标语的交际效果,亦与交传的工作方式及目标语的篇章组织方式有关。 Most interpreting studies have focused on exploration of cognitive process(ing) in interpreting and training of interpreting skills.While norms in interpreting are recognized as one of the major factors shaping the interpreting product,they have remained under-explored.This article presents a descriptive study of target-language communication norms in interpreting based on a corpus of on-site Chinese-English interpreting by professional interpreters.Three types of shifts under the category of addition,i.e.,cohesive addition,elaboration and expansion of information and explicitation of implied meaning,are identified in the interpreted texts through ST-TT inter-textual analysis.With corpus-based statistical analysis and micro-analysis of the typical instances of each sub-type of shifts,major norms of target language communication in Chinese-English interpreting are identified as explicitation of logic relations,specifying information content,and explicit expression of implied meaning.Reasons for the adoption of such norms can be related to the interpreters' efforts to optimize the target-language communication effect,the working mode of consecutive interpreting and the textual features of the target language.
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期597-610,641,共14页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
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