目的探讨高尿酸血症(HUA)的高危人群和防制措施。方法应用Olympus AU2700生化分析仪检测66 552例健康者空腹血尿酸,分析不同性别、年龄、体检季节、体检年、职业、城乡人群的血尿酸水平及HUA患病率的差异。结果总人群HUA患病率为19.0%,其中男性的患病率为28.6%,女性的患病率为6.0%,<18岁组男性、女性的患病率均最高(分别为33.3%、17.5%);血尿酸水平:男性为(376.2±80.9)μmol/L,女性为(368.8±61.7)μmol/L。HUA性别标化患病率:公务员组最高(20.3%);夏季、秋季高,冬季、春季低;2013年比2011年、2012年分别高1.7%、3.0%;城市人群高于乡镇。标准化偏回归系数(Beta)显示,对人群血尿酸水平影响大小:性别>体检季节、城乡>年龄>职业>体检年。结论 49岁以下男性、<18岁女性、公务员是HUA防控的重点人群,HUA患者在夏季、秋季应减少富含嘌呤的食品和酒精的摄入,增加运动量。
Objective To investigate the high - risk groups with hyperuricemia (HUA) and the prevention and control measures. Methods The blood uric acid of 66 552 healthy checkup was detected by Olympus AU2700 automatic biochemical analyzer, and the differences of blood uric acid levels and the HUA prevalence in different sexes, age groups, seasons, years, occupations and rural/urban population were statistically analyzed. Results The HUA prevalence in total population was 19.0%, with 28.6% in male, and 6.0% in female; ages less than 18 years old got the highest with 33.3% in male, and 17.5% in female. The levels of blood uric acid were ( 376.2 ± 80.9) μmol/L in male, and ( 368.8 ± 61.7 ) μmol/L in female. The sex standardized prevalence of HUA was that civil servants got the highest(20.3% ) among occupations. It was higher in summer and autumn while lower in winter and spring, which was 1.7% higher and 3.0% higher in 2013 than in 2011 and 2012, and higher in city than in town. The linear regression coefficient showed that the effect on uric acid levels was sexes 〉 seasons/living areas 〉 ages 〉 occupations 〉 years. Condusion The people aged less than 49 years old in male, less than 18 years old in female and civil servants were the focus groups in prevention and control of HUA. The patients with HUA should reduce the intaking of alcohol and purine - rich foods in summer and autumn, and increase physical activity.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology