

The Stone Engravings on Filial Piety(Gǔwén Xiàojīng) of The Ming Imperial Academy(Guó Zǐ Jiàn) in Beijing
摘要 北京石刻艺术博物馆藏有《古文孝经》刻石两方,为明代天启三年北京国子监官员共同刻立。本文首先对该刻石的北京大学图书馆藏民国旧拓与石刻艺术博物馆所制新拓的泐损情况做调查统计,并在此基础上,用旧拓本所录经文内容与现存多个《古文孝经》版本相较,推测刻石底本是一个与当时常见的古文本不甚相同,甚至是参照今文改易过部分文字的经本。此外,文中还梳理了两方刻石从北京国子监到石刻艺术博物馆的流转经过,并通过对注释内容及作者蔡毅中的考察,说明这两方刻石既体现了蔡毅中等晚明孝经学者的政教观点与政治诉求,也是晚明时期孝经学思潮兴盛的实物佐证。 There are two blocks of stone engravings on Filial Piety(Gǔwén Xiàojīng) which were created by the official scholars of the Ming imperial academy in the 3rd year of Emperor Tianqi regime in the collection of Beijing Museum of Stone Carving Art. By comparative analysis of the damaged areas of the old rubbings which were made before 1949 in the collection of Peking University Library and the new ones robbed by Beijing Museum of Stone Carving Art from the same stone inscriptions, the differences between the old rubbings and other extant versions of Classics on Filial Piety(Gǔwén Xiàojīng), it is inferred in this thesis that the original text of the stone engravings differs from other popular Filial Piety Classics(Gǔwén Xiàojīng) of that time, it most probably adopted some messages from other texts that were created later. Besides, this thesis reviews the process of the two blocks of stone engravings moving from The Ming Imperial Academy(Guó Zǐ Jiàn) to Beijing Museum of Stone Carving Art, studies the annotations to the text and Cai Yizhong who was the author of the classic, pointing out that the stone engravings on Filial Piety(Gǔwén Xiàojīng) not only embodies the opinions on religion and politics and the demands for political change of the late Ming scholars, but also evidences the flourishing trend of thought in filial piety at that time.
作者 张云燕
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期149-158,163,共10页 Palace Museum Journal
关键词 古文孝经 蔡毅中 刻石 晚明 The Stone Engravings on Filial Piety(Gǔwén Xiàojīng) Cai Yizhong stone engraving the late Ming Dynasty
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