
住宅投资是地方经济的新增长点吗?——基于辽宁的实证检验 被引量:3

Is Housing Investment a New Point of Growth? An Empirical Study of Liaoning Province
摘要 中国经济进入新常态,2014年东北三省经济增速大幅回落,引起社会各界的广泛关注。本文运用2005—2014年辽宁季度数据,对住宅投资与经济增长之间的Granger领先—滞后关系进行检验。结果表明,"住宅投资引领经济增长"的假说不成立;而且,自2011年第2季度,住宅投资与经济增长之间成反向关系,这和二战后初期流行的"经济增长理论认为住宅投资会放缓经济增长"的观点是一致的。然后通过进一步分析判断辽宁住宅投资已经过度增长。因此,长期以来,辽宁把住宅投资当作地方经济的新增长点和支柱产业的政策值得反思。 Under the new normal, the three provinces of northeast China growth dropped sharply in 2014 were widely' focused on. The paper examines Granger lead-lag relationship between housing investment and economic growth using the quarterly data of Liaoning province from 2005-2014. The results show that the housing-led growth hypothesis is not formed. Moreover, since the second quarter of 2011, housing investment has a reverse relationship with economic growth, and this is consistent on the popular view economic growth theory thinks that housing would slow economic growth after world war Ⅱ. Further analysis judgment housing investment has been invested excessively in Liaoning province. Therefore, for a long time, the policy that housing investment has been regarded as a new growth point of local economy and the pillar industry should be re -evaluated.
作者 褚敏
出处 《东北财经大学学报》 2015年第4期44-49,共6页 Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"以政府转型推动中国经济增长和谐的传导机制与政策研究"(14YJC790017) 中国博士后科学基金"既得利益集团影响产业升级的作用机理与实证研究"(2014M561240) 辽宁省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地专项项目"以政府转型推动辽宁经济增长和谐的传导机制与政策研究"(ZJ2014040) 国家自然科学基金项目"城镇化进程中‘碳锁定’的形成机理 风险测度与解锁策略研究"(71403041)
关键词 住宅投资 经济增长 领先—滞后关系 housing investment economic growth lead-lag relationship
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