鸭基因组草图虽然已经释放,但其基因注释很不完善。基于此,本文应用前期得到的RNA-seq数据开展了鸭基因结构优化和新转录本预测等工作。基因结构优化结果显示,5′和3′端得到延长的基因数目分别为3 878个和3 895个,其平均延伸长度分别为198 bps和246 bps。新转录本预测共得到8 141个新转录本,大部分新转录本平均长度大于3 000 bps,单个新转录本平均由9个以上的片段组成。同时,70%左右的新转录本具有编码能力。本研究优化了大量鸭基因结构信息并挖掘了许多潜在的新基因,为鸭基因组的进一步完善提供基础数据。
Although duck genome has been accomplished, there are many aspects that remain to be improved. Therefore, the structural improvement of duck genes and the prediction of novel transcripts were performed using the RNA-seq data got by previous work. The results of the structural improvement of duck genes showed that 3 878 and 3 895 genes were extended at the 5' and 3' end respectively and the average extended length were 198 bps and 246 bps respectively. 8 141 novel transcripts were got through novel transcript analysis and the average length of most novel transcripts was longer than 3 000 bps. In addition, 70% of the novel transcripts owned encoding capabilities. In conclusion, a number of duck genes were extended and many plausible novel genes were explored, which would provide some basic data for duck genome's improvement.
China Poultry