

Reflections on the Comparative Study of Regional Wushu Culture——To Wu Yue,Guan Dong Wushu Culture Comparative Study
摘要 21世纪伊始,关于地域武术文化方面的研究进入了新的发展阶段,并取得了一定的研究成果。但与此同时,地域武术文化研究也开始出现不容回避的问题,即关于个性、共性以及互动研究的缺失,由此,地域武术文化的比较研究开始凸显其趋势。论文以此为研究背景,对地域武术文化的比较研究从比较的目标、原则与方法三个方面进行了思考,认为:(1)地域武术文化的比较研究不是"判别"是非与高下,而是将比较的对象作为彼此的关照,辨析"异中之同"与"同中之异",最终达到一种"视域的融合"。(2)地域武术文化比较研究的原则应因比较的目标、价值而产生,是研究者对客观事物或研究对象本质与关系的逻辑思维结果的反映,所以要根据比较研究的命题而形成对其他具体方法包括比较原则的指导。(3)提出"熔铸"研究作为地域武术文化比较研究的方法,因为它可以突破比较学科和比较方法的实证性滞留和类比性制约,把类比的内容进行回炉,并根据研究者的视野转化为相反、相辅、相通的可塑性材料。 At the beginning of twenty-first Century,the re-search on the regional wushu culture has entered a new stage of development,and achieved certain results. But at the same time,the study on regional wushu culture began to appear unavoidable problem,namely about personality, common and interactive research,therefore,the comparative study of regional wushu culture began to highlight the trend. Based on this background, this paper was thinking from the comparison of the objectives,principles and meth-ods of the three aspects about comparative study of regional wushu Culture. ( 1 ) Comparative study on regional wushu culture does not determine which one is better,but objects will be compare each other as a mirror,analysis of different similarities and differences in the same,eventually reaching a “fusion of horizons”. ( 2 ) The principles of comparative study on regional wushu culture should be generated by comparing the goals and values, is a reflection of the es-sence of the objective things the researcher or research ob-ject and relation of logical thinking, so according to the comparative study of the proposition and the formation of including a comparison principles for other specific meth-ods. ( 3 ) Putting forward “fusion-casting” research as a method of comparative study on regional wushu culture,be-cause it can break through the empirical comparative sub-ject and method comparison of retention and analog con-trol,the analog content melted down, according to the vi-sion of researchers into the opposite and complementary, plasticity material communicated.
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第3期6-9,共4页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
基金 上海"浦江人才计划"项目(编号:13PJC091)
关键词 地域武术文化 比较研究 研究原则 regional wushu culture comparative study principles of research
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