This thesis mainly investigates teachers' professional identity status of the college and university students majoring in music education in Shandong province through questionnaire. The results are listed as follows: ( 1) In general, music education majors have higher teachers' professional identity; (2) Female teachers' professional identity is significantly higher than that of male teachers; (3) Different graders have significant differences in teachers' professional identity which increases in the order of juniors, freshmen, seniors and sophomores; (4) Students in different majors also have significant differences in teachers' professional identity. The first is the theory of music, the second is vocal music, and then is piano, other musical instruments and dancing; (5) Music education majors from different districts do not differ significantly in teachers' professional identity; (6) It is loving for education career, good welfare of teachers and high salary that motivate music education professional students to choose normal universities.
Teacher Education Forum
Shandong Province
music education major
teachers' professional identity