
308nm准分子激光联合驱虫斑鸠菊肌注治疗白癜风临床观察 被引量:3

Clinical observation of 308nm excimer laser combined with intramuscular vernoniaanthelmintica willd in treatment of vitiligo
摘要 目的:观察308nm准分子激光联合驱虫斑鸠菊治疗白癜风的疗效及安全性。方法:将98例白癜风患者随机分为三组,其中对照组31例,治疗A组34例,治疗B组33例。对照组:应用驱虫斑鸠菊注射液2ml肌注,每日一次(早晨8点);治疗A组:应用308nm准分子激光治疗,2~3次/周;治疗B组:采用308nm准分子激光联合驱虫斑鸠菊治疗。三组疗程均为2个月,由专人评价并记录治疗效果及治疗期间出现的不良反应。结果:1治疗B组总有效率为84.8%,明显高于其他两组(P〈0.01);2治疗B组面颈部有效率为84.1%,躯干四肢为66.7%;均高于其他两组(P〈0.01),且以面颈部有效率最高;3三组中肢端关节部位的有效率最低,且组间比较无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论:应用308nm准分子激光联合驱虫斑鸠菊治疗局限型的非肢端及非关节突出部位的白癜风,能获得满意疗效,可在临床推广应用。 Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of 308nm excimer laser combined with vernoniaanthelmintica willd for the treatment of vitiligo. Methods The selected 98 cases of vitiligowere divided into treatment group A(34 cases),treatment group B(33 cases)and control group(31 cases)randomly.The control group used vernoniaanthelmintica willd injection once a day to treat vitiligo.The treatment A used 308nm excimer laser,2-3 times/week.The treatment B used 308nm excimer laser combined with vernoniaanthelmintica willd.Three groups were treated for two months and the clinical response to therapy and safety were recorded after the end of treatment. Results ① The effective rate was 84.8%in the treatment group B,and it was higher than other groups(P〈0.01 ).② The effective rate of face and neck lesions was 84.1%in the treatment group B,truck and limbs lesions was 66.7% ,both were higher than other groups (P〈0.01),and the effective rate of face and neck lesions was the highest.③The effective rate of hand,foot and joint lesions was the lowest and they were no significant difference within the three groups (P〉0.05). Conclusion Used 308nm excimer laser combined with vernoniaanthelmintica willd to treat vitiligo of face,neck,truck and limbs is an effective method and is worthy of clinical application.
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2015年第14期45-48,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
关键词 白癜风 308NM准分子激光 驱虫斑鸠菊 vitiligo 308nm excimer laser vernoniaanthelmintica willd
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