
重复测量和具体警示对错误信息效应的影响 被引量:3

The Effects of Retest and Specific Warning on Misinformation Effect
摘要 在司法心理学领域,目击证人提供的不准确信息会产生错误信息效应,这直接影响法官的判断。本研究采用误导信息干扰范式,以大学生为被试,采用三因素混合设计,探讨个体记忆中重复测量和具体警示对错误信息效应的影响。实验结果证实了错误信息效应和重测现象的存在。实验结果表明,与时间因素相比,初测时的干扰信息是导致重测现象出现的主要原因;同时还发现,具体警示比指导语警示更能有效降低被试的错误信息效应,并能防止出现重测现象。 Using the paradigm of misinformation invented by Loflus, the experiments simulated the process of eyewitness memory with college students as the subjects to complement the field of false memory and apply the result to the field of justice. In this study, with the two-factor mixed design, the researchers investigated the mechanism of retest phenomenon in false memory. The two factors were misinformation and warning. The subjects were warned with an indication and a specific case which is similar with the way of misinformation in the study. The results showed: 1) misinformation effects and retest phenomenon do exist. 2) Retest factor is the main reason that results in retest phenomenon rather than time factor. 3) Specific warning condition has some positive effects on avoiding misinformation effect and retest phenomenon. Specific warning is more effective than traditional warning with just a indirection.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期485-489,共5页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 2009年度北京师范大学国家大学生创新性实验计划(091002745) 国家基础科学人才培养基金(J1103601&J1210048)
关键词 错误信息效应 重测现象 重测影响 具体警示 misinformation effect, retest phenomenon, retest factor, specific warning
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