
我是谁?新进员工在轮岗过程中身份的丢失与恢复 被引量:1

Who am I? Identity Loss and Recovery about New Employees During the Job Rotation
摘要 本文通过单案例多情境的研究设计,对X保险企业新进员工在轮岗培训过程中的认知、情绪和行为的变化进行了剖析,在肯定X保险企业实施轮岗计划举措的同时,揭示了其还存在忽视员工心理变化的不足。在此基础上,本研究构建了一个新进员工在轮岗过程中身份转换的过程模型,该模型给在未来有意实施新人轮岗培训的企业带来了启示。 According to the principle of "2*2" of case study, this paper analysis 4 new employees in three terms including cognitive, emotion and behaviors, during they take part into the new employee rotation plan of X insurance corporate. Base what X insurance corporate has ignored, we construct a theoretical mode to explain the psychological changes of new employees' durin~ the job rotation. The results of this research bring tight to the f^ture corporate job rotation training and developing plans.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2015年第13期51-57,共7页 Human Resources Development of China
关键词 岗位轮换 案例研究 身份 人力资源管理 Job Rotation Case Study Identity Theory Human Resource Management
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