

摘要 目的:调查和分析电子媒体在注意缺陷多动障碍儿童使用情况,为注意缺陷多动障碍的防治提供依据。方法:采用病例对照设计的方法选取46例ADHD患几为病例组儿童及46例年龄,两组儿童家长均参与电子媒体使用情况回顾性访问及问卷填写。结果:ADHD病例组儿童接触电子媒体的最旱年龄平均为1.55±1.22岁;对照组中接触电子媒体的最早年龄为平均为2.18±1.32岁;两组比较差异有统计学意义。ADHD病例组与对照组两组儿童家长对儿童电子媒体使用有无限制、家长有无长时间使用手机电脑习惯比较有统计学意义,两组儿童家长有无晨起开电视习惯比较无统计学意义。结论:过早过多接触电子媒体可能是注意缺陷多动障碍的诱因之一。避免儿童过早年龄以及长时间暴露于电子媒体可以作为预防ADHD发病的一个手段,尤其是对于可能出现注意缺陷多动障碍的高危儿童。提高家长对电子媒体使用利弊的认识,对儿童媒体使用适当限制并加以指导是未来需要加强宣传教育为此努力的工作。 Objective : To investigate and analyze of electronic media use in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for providing evidence of attention deficit hyperac- tivity disorder prevention. Methods : Using the method of case - control design, selected 46 cases of children with ADHD for the case group and 46 cases of normal children whose age. Two sets of parents are involved in the use of electronic media retrospective interviews and questionnaires filled out. Results : The earliest age of ADHD case group children's exposure to electronic media with an average of 1.65 ~ 1.22 years old ; The earliest age of the control group in contact with electronic media for an average of 2. 18 ~ 1.32 years old ; The differ- ence was statistically significant. The difference was statistically significant. Parents of children with ADHD case group and control group in the electronic media use for children is unlim- ited and parents have long time use phone and computer habits have statistical significance. Have two sets of parents of children with early morning on the television habits showed no statistical significance. Conclusion: Too early and too much contact with electronic media may be more of a factor for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To avoid children too young and prolonged exposure to electronic media can serve as an approach for preventing ADHD morbidity, especially for possible high - risk children attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To improve the recognition of parents on the pros and cons of using electronic media, for children's media use appropriate limits and to guide them, it is need to strengthen publicity and education efforts for this work in the future.
出处 《医学与社会》 2015年第B06期27-28,共2页 Medicine and Society
关键词 电子媒体 注意缺陷多动障碍 儿童 electronic media attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children
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