目的:探究妊娠高血压病患胰岛素抵抗和凝血功能异常之间的关联性。方法:选取2011年12月~2013年12月我院住院部109例孕妇为研究对象,平均年龄为(25.5±5.6)岁。所有孕妇均为初产妇。且无其他器官器质性病变。109例孕妇分成治疗组(妊娠高血压病患),和对照组(正常孕妇),其中对照组55例,治疗组54例。利用电化学分析模块,对病患OGTT测试,同时检测病患胰岛素水平。利用HOMA指数当作病患胰岛素的抵抗指标,取病患静脉血液0.2毫升(109毫摩尔每升)加入枸橼酸钠进行配比抗凝。检测病患血浆中的PT,APTT,Fbg指标。结果:与正常组相比,治疗组的HOMA, Fbg,均有显著性降低,组间差异P<0.05,认为有统计学意义。PT与APTT值则显著性升高,组间差异P<0.05,认为有统计学意义。治疗组与对照组的Fbg和HOMA水平变化呈负相关性,APTT和PT水平变化呈正相关性。结论:妊娠高血压病患的一袋苏抵抗指数和其自身凝血功能存在密切关联。在根本上提示了该指数是引发妊娠高血压的重要原因,且两者之间存在着互相影响的关系,对妊娠高血压症的疾病产生和发展起到了协同作用。
Objective: To explore the relationship between pregnancy induced hypertension patients with insulin resistance and coagulation abnormalities.Methods:Selection in December 2011 to December 2013 in our hospital wards, 109 cases of pregnant women as the research object, the average age was (25.5 + / - 5.6). All pregnant women are mothers. And no other organs implement qualitative sex pathological change. 109 cases of pregnant women were divided into treatment group (pregnancy-induced hypertension patients), and the control group (normal pregnant women), including control group 55 cases, treatment group of 54 cases. OGTT test using electrochemical analysis module, the patient, at the same time to detect patients with insulin levels. Using the index of HOMA insulin resistance index as a patient, in patients with venous blood 0.2 ml (109 millimoles per liter) join ratio of sodium citrate for anticoagulation. Testing in patients plasma PT, APTT and Fbg indicators.Results: Compared with the normal group, hypertension group HOMA, Fbg, were significantly lower, the difference between groupP〈0.05, believe that there is a statistically significant. PT and APTT values are significantly increased, the difference between groupP〈0.05, believe that there is a statistically significant. Treatment group and control group of Fbg and HOMA level changes showed a negative correlation, positive correlation between APTT and PT level change.Conclusions:A bag of gestational hypertension patients Sue resistance index and its coagulation function closely related. In the root tip of the index is one of the important reasons caused by pregnancy-induced hypertension, and the mutual influences between the two, emergence and development of gestational hypertension disease has played a synergy.
Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics
Pregnancy hypertension disease
Insulin resistance
Blood coagulation function