
Hierarchical Linear Modeling in International Marketing Research: A Review with an Application on Innovation and Export in China

Hierarchical Linear Modeling in International Marketing Research: A Review with an Application on Innovation and Export in China
摘要 While much of international marketing research involves two or more levels, limited work in the international marketing literature uses hierarchical linear modeling to examine different level effects. This study conducts a thorough literature review on hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) in 28 international marketing papers that employed HLM from 2005-2014 and evaluates the use of HLM in these papers on the objects, operating levels, and other issues. We call for more applications of HLM in international marketing research, particularly for research on emerging markets with significant sub-national and institutional variations. The paper provides an illustrative empirical study that employs HLM to test the moderating role of industry-level government subsidies in the relationship between firm innovation and exporter performance in China. While much of international marketing research involves two or more levels, limited work in the international marketing literature uses hierarchical linear modeling to examine different level effects. This study conducts a thorough literature review on hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) in 28 international marketing papers that employed HLM from 2005-2014 and evaluates the use of HLM in these papers on the objects, operating levels, and other issues. We call for more applications of HLM in international marketing research, particularly for research on emerging markets with significant sub-national and institutional variations. The paper provides an illustrative empirical study that employs HLM to test the moderating role of industry-level government subsidies in the relationship between firm innovation and exporter performance in China.
出处 《Frontiers of Business Research in China》 2015年第2期135-160,共26页 中国高等学校学术文摘·工商管理研究(英文版)
基金 The anthors are grateful for the financial support of the Research Funding for the Doctoral Programs of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, China (20120004120005), the Beijing Youth Talent Project, and National Natural Science Foundation of China (71202149).
关键词 hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) multilevel modeling international marketing China innovation EXPORT SUBSIDY hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), multilevel modeling,international marketing, China, innovation export subsidy
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