
Palazzo Valentini: Archaeological discoveries and redevelopment projects

Palazzo Valentini: Archaeological discoveries and redevelopment projects
摘要 Palazzo Valentini, a historical site of Rome's Provincial Administration, is located at the heart of the city. The building was purchased in 1827 by Vincenzo Valentini, a banker and consul general of the Prussian Crown. In 1939, with the outbreak of World War II, a fully self-contained, air-raid shelter was built under the courtyard, with an exit tunnel heading onto the Trajan's Forum. Archaeological investigations started in 2005 in view of a simple rehabilitation work of the underground level. As work progressed, the sample-plots brought to light new archaeological findings: relics of a huge temple and what remained of two residential houses with thermal baths. We therefore designed an exhibition space with glass surfaces to allow visitors to appreciate the findings while following a path through historical ages: from the 16th-century courtyard to the underground Roman domus (the sumptuous houses of senators and dignitaries of the Roman Empire), with private baths, to the remains of a Roman temple, and all the way to the Trajan's Column pedesta( by way of the air-raid shelter. Virtual reconstructions, graphic effects, and movies are the means used to revive the hypothetical origina( appearance of the environments and the daily life of that epoch in order to help us build a prototype of an on-site museum of the third millennium. Palazzo Valentini, a historical site of Rome's Provincial Administration, is located at the heart of the city. The building was purchased in 1827 by Vincenzo Valentini, a banker and consul general of the Prussian Crown. In 1939, with the outbreak of World War II, a fully self-contained, air-raid shelter was built under the courtyard, with an exit tunnel heading onto the Trajan's Forum. Archaeological investigations started in 2005 in view of a simple rehabilitation work of the underground level. As work progressed, the sample-plots brought to light new archaeological findings: relics of a huge temple and what remained of two residential houses with thermal baths. We therefore designed an exhibition space with glass surfaces to allow visitors to appreciate the findings while following a path through historical ages: from the 16th-century courtyard to the underground Roman domus (the sumptuous houses of senators and dignitaries of the Roman Empire), with private baths, to the remains of a Roman temple, and all the way to the Trajan's Column pedesta( by way of the air-raid shelter. Virtual reconstructions, graphic effects, and movies are the means used to revive the hypothetical origina( appearance of the environments and the daily life of that epoch in order to help us build a prototype of an on-site museum of the third millennium.
出处 《Frontiers of Architectural Research》 CSCD 2015年第2期91-99,共9页 建筑学研究前沿(英文版)
关键词 MUSEUM Domus Thermal baths Archaeological inves-tigations Historical path Barrier-free accessi-bility Multimedia exhibition Museum Domus Thermal baths Archaeological inves-tigations Historical path Barrier-free accessi-bility Multimedia exhibition
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