采用酸酶结合法成功制备了牛跟腱Ⅰ型胶原纤维,其二级结构与Ⅰ型胶原的结构特征相符;AFM结果发现,胶原纤维粗细均匀,具有D周期横纹结构,直径为(135±0.20)nm,在溶液中分散均匀且呈现多孔的微观网络结构;其抗张强度与拉断伸长率分别达到1.293 MPa、93.77%;其疏水性能较纯Ⅰ型胶原有所提高,接触角为68.9°,吸水倍率、保水率与透水汽率分别为37.13%,19.44%和2749.77 g/(m2/d);其孔隙率为89.54%,平均累积吸附与累积解吸附的比表面积分别为8.4251和12.8046 m2/g,表现出孔体积大、比表面积小和孔尺寸大的特点。牛跟腱Ⅰ型胶原纤维的微观结构与理化性能分析对天然胶原纤维的深度加工、成型及应用提供了新的、可靠的理论依据。
In the paper,type I collagen fibrils( CF) from bovine tendon was successfully prepared by the enzyme hydrolysis method,and its secondary structure was similar with the molecular structure characteristics of type I collagen. AFM results showed that CF had even thickness with a diameter of( 135 ± 0. 20) nm and enjoyed the D cycle horizontally striped structure,and the micro porous network structure was present with uniform dispersion in aqueous solution. The tensile strength and tensile elongation of CF samples were respectively 1. 293 MPa and 93. 77%. The hydrophobic property of the CF samples with a mean contact angle of 68. 9° were better than pure type I collagen. The bibulous rate,holding water rate and water vapor permeability rate of the CF samples were 37. 13%,19. 44% and 2749. 77 g /( m2/ d),and the mean porosity was 89. 54%. Average cumulative adsorption and desorption of specific surface area of the CF samples were8. 4251 and 12. 8046 m2/ g,and the results presented the characteristics of large volume,small specific surface area and large pore size. The results provide a new reliable theoretical basis for deep processing,molding and application of natural collagen fibrils.
Journal of Functional Materials