The "Jin System" of the funeral systems included the ideas, customs, rites and cere- monies and regulations. The "funeral ideas" were the understanding and knowledge about the death~ the "funeral customs" were the widely accepted ways and procedures of entomb- ing and mourning the dead; "funeral rites and ceremonies" were the rational expressions and systematic action patterns of the funeral ideas and customs. The "funeral regulations" were the mandatory rules and systems which must be followed in the funerals. They had cause-re- sult relationships and were also usually seen as a whole. The so-called "systematic evolu- tions" were the dynamic formations of them four. The Western Jin Dynasty inherited and in- tensified the "decree for austere burial" of the Wei Kingdom in the Three-Kingdoms Period requiring the burials "not to be mounded and monumentalized", which was archaeologically reflected as the sacrificial altar, pottery seat, pottery tray and armrest, epitaph appearing in the tomb chambers, and the new grave good assemblage of pottery figurines and oxcarts. All of these showed that the new funeral customs were formed when the new funeral ideas were accepted by the society. The argument on the funeral rites and ceremonies in the Western Jin Dynasty simplified the funeral procedure~ the interference of the political powers promoted the new funeral procedure as legal obligation not to he violated. The funeral reforms of the Three-Kingdoms Period through the Jin Dynasty started by the "decree for austere burial" introduced new funeral ideas and customs~ having got ritual supports, the new funeral cus- toms had systematic and political guarantees. Compared with the burials of the "Han System", the reformed burials had three key changes, first, the shrine or memorial hall, stone tablet, stone pillars and stone sculptures on the ground were omitted; second, the multi-chamber burial structures resembling the front hall, rear rooms, kitchen, granary and so on declined and the single-chamber structure decorated with simulated windows and lamp recesses became the most popular burial type, which was still built as the residence in the af- terlife~ third, in the grave good assemblages, the models reflecting the rural manor life de- clined and the procession lines consisting of the oxcarts and figurines became the core of the assemblage. The evolution of the burial system in ancient China had a new appearance since this period.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica