Labor process, as the object of social science, which shaped by state, market and civil society, locates at the center of a political economy structure. Through analyzing the control and resistance in the labor process, we can explain the reproduction of the production relation under the diverse political economic institutions. In the different phases of capitalist society, the essential and the strategy of the reproduction of production relation is different. Under competitive capitalism, the essential of the labor process is to squeeze the surplus value from labor as much as possible. Thus, the character of the labor process is despotic and arbitrary, and the exploita-tion during the production and the ideology out of the production make the reproduction of the production rela-tion possible together. Under monopoly capitalism, the essential of the labor process is to secure and conceal the surplus value simultaneously. Thus, the character of the labor process is hegemonic and conciliatory. With the ideological effect, the capitalist production relation can be reproduced by the labor process itself.
Academic Research