
政党媒介形塑:一种景观政治的展示及运作 被引量:8

Media Shaping of Political Parties: A Display and Operation of Landscape Politics
摘要 随着媒介技术的发展,景观与政治的联系也越来越密切,一种景观政治现象得以逐渐显现。在这种现象中,政党媒介形象展现出一些"双重建构性"、"迁移性"与"增值性"等特征,并通过综合景观模式建构了一些独特的场景。在景观政治中的政党形塑依然可能受困于多种因素而遭遇一些"奇观化";政党要与时俱进主动引导民众政治参与,增强其政治效能感;提升其"首因效应",设置媒介议程,促进视觉形象建构,提升自身媒介形象。 With the development of media technology,the relations between landscape and politics are getting closer,a kind of landscape political phenomenon appears gradually. In this kind of phenomenon,the media image of political parties shows some characteristics like ' double construction', ' migration' and ' value-added',and constructs a number of unique scenes through integrated landscape mode. The shaping of political parties may still trap on a variety of factors and experience a number of ' spectacles'. Parties should keep pace with the times to guide people's political participation initiatively,strengthen their sense of political efficacy,enhance the ' primacy effect',set the media agenda,and promote the construction of visual image to improve the media image.
作者 赵宬斐
机构地区 杭州师范大学
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期28-35,155-156,共8页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 浙江省社科规划课题成果"多元舆论场中党的舆情调控与引导机制研究"(14NDJC003Z) 国家社科基金规划项目"基层党内‘选举民主’与‘协商民主’协同机制研究"(13BDJ036)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 景观政治 政党媒介形象 形塑 landscape politics media image of political parties shaping
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