
星状神经节阻滞在心脏病治疗中的作用与意义 被引量:4

Effects and significance of stellate ganglion block on the treatment of cardiac diseases
摘要 心脏的主要交感神经心上、心中、心下神经均直接或经过星状神经节到达心脏。动物实验显示阻滞左侧星状神经节可降低心脏交感神经兴奋性,减少儿茶酚胺心肌内释放,从而减少室性心律失常和室颤的发生。临床研究显示,左侧星状神经节阻滞可降低心脏交感神经活性,从而有效地防止患者室颤和猝死。 The major sympathetic cardiac nerves, including superior-, middle- and inferior-cervical sympathetic cardiac nerves are directly derived from or passed through stellate ganglion. Animal experiments showed that blocking left stellate ganglion is able to effectively reduce cardiac sympathetic activation, reduce norepinephrine release at the ventricular level, and therefore has powerful antiarrhythmie and antifihrillatory effects. Clinical studies showed that blocking left stellate can effectively reduce ventrical arrhythmias and prevent sudden death by reducing sympathetic output to the heart.
出处 《实用疼痛学杂志》 2015年第2期133-138,共6页 Pain Clinic Journal
关键词 星状神经节 神经传导阻滞 心脏病 Stellate ganglion Nerve block Heart diseases
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