

Research Reviewof Time-Sensitive Query Auto-completion Technique
摘要 搜索引擎的查询词补全技术给搜索用户提供了较好的用户体验.针对用户检索需求随时间变化而不同这一问题,时间敏感查询词自动补全成为研究热点.时间敏感查询词补全在生成查询词补全候选列表时拟合多种时间因素,呈现出与传统查询词补全不同的特点.本文首先介绍了时间敏感查询词补全的定义和分类,然后从查询词时间敏感类型判断、补全候选词权值计算、候选词排序计算三个步骤分析了关键技术,最后对技术评价方法和技术未来发展难点与热点进行了总结和展望. Query auto-completion of search engines provides good experience for the users. With the user's search intention changing over time,time-sensitive query auto-completion( TSQC) comes to be a research focus. Different from traditional query auto-completion,recommendation list of TSQC is made according to the attaching time features of the query words. First,the definition and classification of TSQC are introduced. Then the key steps of TSQC are presented and analyzed,which include type judgment of time-sensitive query,weight calculation of candidates and recommendation list ranking. Finally,technique evaluation and future development of TSQC are analyzed and summarized.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1160-1168,共9页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(No.YX2014-19)
关键词 时间敏感 查询词补全 信息检索 候选词权值计算 time-sensitive query auto-completion information retrieval candidates' weights calculation
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