
2010—2013年河南省淮河流域四县农村地区饮用水水质卫生监测分析 被引量:3

Water Quality of Four Counties of Henan Located in Huaihe River Basin in 2010—2013
摘要 目的分析2010—2013年河南省淮河流域四个县农村地区饮用水水质变化趋势,为提高该地区的农村饮用水质量和我省淮河流域癌症综合防治工作提供科学依据。方法依据《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006)对2010—2013年河南省淮河流域四个县农村地区饮用水水质监测结果进行分析和评价。结果 2010—2013年共监测水样1 024份,四水样总合格率为43.8%;四年间水样总体合格率持续提高,有统计学意义(!2=14.02,Ρ<0.05)。X县水样合格率最高61.5%,S县水样合格率最低25.4%,四个县间水样合格率差异有统计学意义(!2=86.33,Ρ<0.05)。分散式供水水样合格率小于集中式供水水样合格率,差异有统计学意义(!2=145.8,Ρ<0.05)。四年间枯、丰两期水样合格率比较差异无统计学意义(!2值为1.79、1.4、0.38、1.43,Ρ>0.05)。微生物学和氟化物指标合格率较低(分别为72.7%和85.7%),是影响水样综合指标合格率的重要因素。结论 2010—2013年,河南省淮河流域四个县农村地区饮用水水质合格率持续提高,但微生物学指标和氟化物超标问题依然严重。 Objective To analyze the trend of drinking water quality in rural areas of four counties in Henan Province, which were located in Huaihe river basin, to provide scientific basis for the comprehensive prevention and control of cancers. Method The quality of drinking water monitored in 2010--2013 were analyzed and evaluated by the Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water (GB 5749 -2006). Results The total qualified rate of 1 024 water sam- ples collected from these four counties was 43.8% ; and the pass rate in each year was improved in the four years (x^2 = 14. 02, P 〈0. 05). The highest pass rate was 61.5% in samples from X County and the lowest pass rate was 25.4% in samples from S County. There was a statistically significant difference among four counties ( x^2 = 86. 33, P 〈 0. 05). The qualified rate of water from decentralized water supplies was less than the water from centralized wa- ter supplies (x^2 = 145.8, P 〈 0. 05). No statistically significant difference was observed between the water quality collected from dry and wet seasons in 4 counties (x^2 = 1.79, 1.4, 0. 38, 1.43, P 〉 0. 05). The qualified rate for mi- crobiological indicators was 72. 7% and fluoride was 85.7% , which were the most important influential factors for im- proving the comprehensive index of water quality. Conclusions The quality of drinking water in rural areas of these four counties in Huaihe basin had been improved continuously in 2010--2013, but the problem of microbiological in- dicators and fluoride, which were out of the standard limits, was still serious.
出处 《环境卫生学杂志》 2015年第3期258-259,266,共3页 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE
关键词 淮河流域 农村饮用水 卫生监测 分析 rural drinking water Huaihe River Basin health survey analysis
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