
miR-221/222表达与甲状腺癌临床病理特征的关系 被引量:3

Correlation research on miR-221/222 expression and the pathological features of thyroid carcinomas
摘要 目的 了解miR-221/222在甲状腺癌组织中的表达情况,探讨miR-221/222表达与甲状腺癌临床病理特征的相关性.方法 收集杭州师范大学附属医院2013年3月至2014年2月行甲状腺切除手术的156例甲状腺组织标本.采用定量PCR检测miR-221/222在不同甲状腺组织中的表达,并对不同临床病理特征甲状腺癌组织miR-221/222表达水平进行对比分析.结果 经方差分析,miR-221/222表达水平在甲状腺癌组织与非癌组织间差异有统计学意义(F=9.358,P=0.0014).非癌组织之间miR-221/222表达差异无统计学意义(F=1.367,P=0.839).经Mann-Whitney U检验,miR-221/222在甲状腺腺外浸润、淋巴结转移、UICC分期不同病理特征甲状腺癌组织中表达水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 miR-221/222在甲状腺癌组织中表达上调,表达水平与甲状腺癌临床病理特征有关,miR-221/222对于甲状腺癌的术前诊断、治疗及预后具有重要临床指导意义. Objective To explore the correlation between miR-221/222 expression and the pathological features of thyroid carcinomas.Methods A total of thyroid tissue specimens was collected in thyroid surgery from Mar 2013 to Feb 2014.The expression levels of miR-221/222 were tested with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).The expression levels of miR-221/222 were analyzed in different thyroid carcinoma tissues.Results The expression levels of miR-221/222 were significantly over-expressed in thyroid carcinoma tissues compared to non-thyroid carcinoma tissues (F =9.358,P =0.0014).No significant difference was found among different groups of non-thyroid carcinoma tissues (F =1.367,P =0.839).The expression levels of miR-221/222 were significantly different in thyroid carcinoma specimens with different pathological features (P 〈 0.05).Conclusions The expression levels of miR-221/222 were significantly over-expressed in thyroid carcinoma tissues.Both expression levels of miR221/222 were associated with extrathyroidal invasion,regional lymph nodes,and tumor staging.The expression levels of miR-221/222 might guide diagnosis,treatment,and prognosis of thyroid carcinomas.
作者 李丹 郑高明
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2015年第7期981-983,共3页 Journal of Chinese Physician
关键词 甲状腺肿瘤/代谢/病理学 微RNAs/代谢 Thyroid neoplasms/ME MicroRNAs/ME
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