

Big data and lean Service in University Library
摘要 数字化是当今高校图书馆发展的主流方向。在信息技术日趋先进的条件下,随着数字资源的积累和利用,高校图书馆的发展也迎来了大数据时代,大数据的出现又为高校图书馆采用精益服务模式、完美地完成其核心任务"人—书匹配"创造了有利条件。基于大数据的高校图书馆精益服务,就是要充分利用好图书馆大数据资源,细分读者类型,优化服务流程、推进界面管理。 Digitization is the mainstream direction in the development of modem university library. As the information tech- nology is increasingly advanced, the development of university library has ushered the era of big data with the accu- mulation and utilization of digital resource, which created favorable conditions for university library to adopt lean service model and perfectly accomplish the core mission of reader-book matching. The lean service of university li- brary based on big data is to make full use of big data resource and subdivide reader types, as well as optimize ser- vice process and advance interface management.
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2015年第8期188-191,共4页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
关键词 高校图书馆 大数据 精益服务 University library Big data Lean service
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