研究了影响Ga As开关泄漏的关键因素,通过减小泄漏源、控制泄漏途径,成功设计了一种低泄漏微波开关。该开关具有极低的泄漏,在控制脉冲幅度0/0.3V的情况下,300±2MHz频率范围内泄漏低于-110d Bm,比常用Ga As开关低40d B。
In this paper, a monolithic GaAs switch with extremely low leakage is presented. The keys that influence the leakage are studied, and the switch is designed through reducing the leakage source and controlling the leakage route. Measurement results shows that,with the control pulse of O/ 0.3V,the leakage of the presented switch is lower than -110dBm in the band 300±2MHz,40dB superior to the conventional GaAs switch.
Telecom World