
张力理论观照下探析坎迪达权力的自我形塑 被引量:1

Analysis on the Self-image Shaping of Candida's Power from the Perspective of Tension Theory
摘要 英国知名女作家玛格丽特·德拉布尔2002年的作品《七姐妹》的评论,从未涉及在米歇尔·福柯的权力理论和新批评的张力理论双重观照下的文本探索。文章以米歇尔·福柯的权力理论为向导,在新批评的张力理论框架下,挖掘深藏于文本内部的张力,以探析女主人公在权力网中的位置以及她权力观的自我解构和建构历程,展现其渴望形塑全新自我的决心。 The comments on The Seven Sisters by the well-known female writer Margaret Drabble in 2002 have never concerned the textual exploration under the double perspectives of the power theory of Michel Foucault and the tension theory in New Criticism. Oriented by Michel Foucault's power theory, this paper attempts to dig into the tension lurking in the text under the framework of the tension theory in New Criticism, in order to demonstrate the heroine's position in the power circle, as well as the process of deeonstructing and reconstructing her power view, showing her determination to shape a brand-new image.
作者 黄青青
出处 《长春大学学报》 2015年第7期72-76,共5页 Journal of Changchun University
基金 福建省教育厅社会科学研究项目(JB13098S)
关键词 玛格丽特·德拉布尔 《七姐妹》 张力 权力 Margaret Drabble The Seven Sisters tension power
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