

Research on Primary and Middle School P.E.Teachers' Sense of Teaching Efficacy
摘要 教师教学效能感的研究越来越受到教育界的关注,不过有关这方面的研究较少,在许多理论和方法上还不成熟,尤其在体育教育领域更是凤毛麟角,体育教师也是我国教育界中不可忽视的群体,他关系到全国所有后备人才身心健康的重任,因此,本研究主要对体育教师的教学效能感进行分析,进而提出增进体育教师教学效能的相关建议,作为教师培训和教学研究之参考。 Study on teachers' sense of teaching efficacy is drawing more and more attention from education circle. Yet relevant researches are still quite few and many remain immature in theory and method, especially rarer are studies in physical education field. P.E. teachers cannot be neglected in China' s education circle, as they shoulder the responsibility of physical and mental health of reserves nationwide. Therefore, the paper mainly analyzes P.E. teachers' sense of teaching efficacy and proposes relevant suggestions to promote P.E. teachers' teaching efficacy as a reference for teachers' training, teaching and researching.
作者 朱宝英
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2015年第8期80-81,共2页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 体育教师 教学效能感 研究 P.E. teacher sense of teaching efficacy research
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