
淬火温度对Cr5支承辊用钢组织和摩擦磨损性能影响 被引量:4

Influence of quenching temperature on microstructure and wear resistance of Cr5 backup roll steel
摘要 运用扫描电子显微镜和洛氏硬度计研究了Cr5支承辊用钢不同热处理状态下的显微组织和洛氏硬度。结果表明,调质处理后Cr5钢组织得到明显改善(回火索氏体),细小弥散分布的碳化物取代尺寸较大不规则的碳化物;淬火后试样组织为马氏体,碳化物几乎全部溶入基体,硬度随淬火温度提高而增加(由51.6 HRC增加到58.1 HRC);回火后,Cr5钢中有细小碳化物析出,且弥散分布,淬火温度较高(1050℃、1025℃)时,组织依然保留马氏体结构(回火马氏体),温度较低(1000℃)时,组织为回火索氏体,其硬度与回火前变化趋势相同(由51.4 HRC增加到54.4 HRC)。在所选定的淬火温度下,随着淬火温度的升高,硬度值增大,磨损量减小,磨损严重程度降低,耐磨性较好。 Microstructure and hardness of Cr5 backup roll steel after different heat treatment,were studied by scanning electron microscopy and Rockwell hardness tester. The results show that the microstructure of Cr5 steel after quenching and tempering is tempered sorbite,in which fine and dispersively distributed carbides are observed. Microstructure of the steel after quenching from the temperature of 1000 ℃to 1050 ℃ are martensite,carbides are dissolved into the matrix,and hardness increases with the quenching temperature increasing( from51. 6 to 58. 1). After tempering,fine and dispersively distributed carbides precipitate in the Cr5 steel. When the quenching temperature is higher( 1050 ℃,1025 ℃),the microstructure of the steel is tempered martensite after tempering at 500 ℃,and the microstructure is tempered sorbite at lower quenching temperature( 1000 ℃). With the increase of quenching temperature,hardness of the steel increases,the wear loss decreases,wear resistance is improved.
出处 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期69-73,共5页 Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
基金 大型铸锻件生产共性技术研究(602009102013-1) 洛阳市科技支撑计划(1301057A)
关键词 Cr5支承辊用钢 调质处理 差温热处理 显微组织 硬度 摩擦磨损 Cr5 backup roll steel quenching and tempering differential heating treatment microstructure hardness
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