
城镇化对区域低碳经济发展效率影响的实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study on the Effects of Urbanization on the Efficiency of Development of Regional Low-Carbon Economy
摘要 采用包含非合意产出的SBM模型测度我国30个省市2000—2011年的低碳经济发展效率,结合EKC假说和STIRPAT模型构建的城镇化对低碳经济发展的影响理论框架,并通过面板数据Tobit模型进行检验,可得出以下几个结论:不同省市低碳经济发展效率存在较大差异且呈逐年下降的趋势,东部地区低碳经济发展效率高于中部、西部地区;从全国和东部、西部地区来看,城镇化与低碳经济发展之间存在倒"U"型曲线,在中部地区城镇化与低碳经济发展之间存在"U"型曲线;在全国、东部和中部地区人均GDP与低碳经济发展效率之间存在"U"型曲线,在西部地区存在倒"U"型曲线;技术进步对低碳经济发展具有显著的正向影响。 Under the theoretical frame of urbanization effect on development of low-carbon economy established according to the EKC Hypothesis and STIRPAT Model,a measurement of the efficiency of 2000-2011 development of low-carbon economy in the 30 provinces and metropolitans of our country by the SBM Model and verification of the results by the Tobit Penal-data Model come to the following conclusions: Different provinces and metropolitans differ greatly in efficiency of development of low-carbon economy,which tends to fall annually. The efficiency of low-carbon economic development in Eastern China is higher than that in central and western China. Furthermore,the association between urbanization and development of low-carbon economy throughout the country and in eastern and western China presents a reversed-U curve while that in central China a U curve. The association between average DGP and efficiency of development of low-carbon economy throughout the country and in central and eastern China presents a U curve whereas that in western China a reversed-U curve. From the above-mentioned,technological progress makes prominent positive effects on development of low-carbon economy.
作者 张爱华 黄杰
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期76-82,共7页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 河北省社会科学基金项目(HB14YJ017) 河北省人力资源和社会保障项目(JRSH2-2014-03004) 石家庄市哲学社会科学规划研究项目(SH1404)
关键词 城镇化 低碳经济 SBM模型 EKC假说 STIRPAT模型 urbanization low-carbon economy SBM Model EKC Hypothesis STIRPAT Model
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