
基于BD-DFT扩展的大规模MIMO码本设计 被引量:1

Massive MIMO Codebook Design Based on BD-DFT Extension
摘要 考虑到大规模多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)阵列尺寸及外形等因素的限制,提出了一种适用于基站,采用交叉极化天线面阵的大规模MIMO(Massive MIMO)码本设计方法。该方法综合考虑交叉极化信道的对角化特点和相邻天线之间的相关性,首先设计出与采用交叉极化线阵匹配的码本,进而利用垂直维度天线间的相关性对其进行扩展,最终生成与交叉极化面阵相匹配的码本。仿真结果表明,该码本设计方法可使大规模MIMO系统的传输速率和误码率性能得到明显地提升。 Considering the size and appearance of the antenna array, a massive MIMO codebook design method is proposed which is applicable to the base station equipped with the cross polarization planar antenna array. In this method, considering the block diag- onal feature of the 3D cross polarized channel and the correlation among the adjacent antennas comprehensively. Firstly, codebooks are designed matching the cross polarization linear antenna array. Then, the cross polarization planar antenna array is extended ac- cording to the correlation among the vertical antennas. Simulations results indicate that this method can effectively reduce the error rate and improve system performance.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2015年第15期83-87,共5页 Video Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2014AA01A705)
关键词 大规模MIMO 码本 交叉极化 massive MIMO codebook cross polarization
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