
瑞士大学组织战略模式转型及思考 被引量:1

The Transformation of University Organizational Strategy Pattern in Switzerland and Some Reflection
摘要 自20世纪90年代后期以来,瑞士高等教育经历了由"刚性管制"到"柔性竞争"的治理模式改革。在这一改革进程中,卢加诺大学、纳沙泰尔大学、南方应用科学大学分别经历了由"国家认可"到"国际声誉"、由"思想守旧"到"体系重构"、由"结构集权化"到"组织动态化"的组织战略模式转型。瑞士大学组织战略模式转型经验表明,处理好集权决策与合约认同、环境适应性与身份合法性之间的关系是一所大学成功发展的关键所在。 Since the late 1990s,Swiss higher education has undergone the governance pattern reform from rigid control to soft competition. In the process, universit6 della Svizzera italiana (USI), university of Neuchatel, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)have respectively experienced transformations of organizational strategy patterns from national recognition to international reputation, from conservative ideas to re- structuring its portfolio and from centralizing structure to dynamizing organization. According to the experiences of organizational strategy patterns' transformation in Swiss universities, it is critical to deal with well the relationship between centralization and subscription, between environment adaptiveness and identity legitimacy if a university it can develop successfully.
作者 武学超
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期1-6,共6页 International and Comparative Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划国家社科基金教育学一般项目"英国 印度 瑞士 芬兰四国技术技能型人才培养的政策与实践研究"(项目批准号:BDA140025)研究成果
关键词 瑞士 大学 组织战略 模式转型 Swiss university organizational strategy pattern transformation
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