

Carrier Sense Random Packet Code Division Multiple Access Protocol and Its Intra-cluster Multiple Access Interference Performance Analysis
摘要 在战术应用场景下,面向某型电台的双通道网络组网方案能够有效地减小实际码分组网存在的码分资源浪费问题。为了提高双通道网络控制通道的抗干扰能力,引入随机分组码分多址技术,提出了载波侦听随机分组码分多址接入(CSRP-CDMA)协议。并建立了基于CSRP-CDMA的时隙扩频Ad Hoc网络理论分析模型,推导了分组传输成功概率和吞吐量表达式,分析了扩频增益、分组负荷和分组头长度比值以及接收信号信噪比等因子对吞吐量性能的影响。和适用于RPCDMA的传统MAC协议做了网络性能仿真比较。理论数值和仿真结果显示,CSRP-CDMA协议性能明显优于传统协议,其归一化网络吞吐量理论值达到0.75,能够有效保证控制通道的资源利用率。 In tactical scenarios,the dual-channel networking scheme designed for a certain type radio can solve the serious waste of code resource significantly,which is caused by the traditional code networking scheme. The random packet CDMA technology is used to enhance the anti-jamming capability of control channel of dual-channel networks,and a new MAC protocol,called carrier sense random packet CDMA,is proposed. A performance analytical model of slotted spread spectrum ad hoc networks based on CSRPCDMA is established,which provides packet transmission success probability and expressions of network throughput. And the influences of the factors,such as spreading gain,packet header and payload ratio,received signal-noise ratio,on network performance are analyzed. Finally,CSRP-CDMA protocol is com-pared with the traditional MAC protocol for RP-CDMA by network simulator OPNET. Numerical and simulation results show that CSRP-CDMA protocol has higher network performance than the traditional MAC protocol,and the theoretical normalized network throughput value of CSRP-CDMA can reach 0. 75 to guarantee the resource utilization of control channel effectively.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期1256-1265,共10页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(U1035002/L05) 国家无线重大专项项目(2014ZX03003001-002)
关键词 通信技术 扩频Ad HOC网络 码分多址接入 多用户检测器 多址干扰 网络吞吐量 communication spread spectrum Ad Hoc network code division multiple access multiple user detector multi-access interference network throughput
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