目的:探讨偏瘫患者超早期良肢位摆放防治关节挛缩的影响。方法:选择2014年1月-2015年1月在佛山市南海区第五人民医院住院诊断为脑卒中出现肢体功能障碍患者52例在进行常规治疗的前提下,执行超早期良肢位摆放,落实每2 h协助更换一次体位,规范放置枕垫,并及时分析维持良肢位时间短依从性差原因。结果:提高早期良肢位摆放依从性,52例脑卒中治疗3-10周,未出现关节挛缩41例,占78.8%,发生关节挛缩11例,占21.2%,能预防及减轻关节痉挛。结论:合理治疗,细致、耐心护理,良肢位摆放是有效预防及减轻关节痉挛,降低并发症,提高患者恢复期生活质量。
Objective To discuss the infl uence of early good limb position control in patients with hemiplegia. MethodsTo extract 52 cases of patients who diagnosed as stroke limb dysfunction in our hospital as the research objects,the patients was adopted conventional treatment,and was executed the ultra early good limb position.Then replace the position each 2 hours,the pillow placed must be standardized,and to analysis the the reason of poor compliance timely. Results Improve early limb for displaying good compliance,52 patients with stroke patients 3-10 weeks,41 cases(78.8 %) did not appear joint contractures,11 cases(21.2 %) appear joint contractures,can prevent and reduce joint spasm. Conclusion Limb position is good place to effectively prevent and reduce joint spasm, reduce complications and improve the quality of life of patients recovering.
Shenzhen Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine