
新世纪以来美国禁书排行榜透析 被引量:2

Analysis on Banned Books Lists of the United States Since Beginning of the New Century
摘要 介绍了美国禁书排行榜的由来,在对2001—2013年间的禁书排行榜作总括介绍的基础上,对禁书的原因、禁书的读者年龄、禁书的主题、禁书的持续性作了详细分析。概括了美国禁书的四个特点:(1)家长是禁书的主力军;(2)青少年和儿童读物是禁书的主要对象;(3)"有问题"的成人文学经典和涉性书籍是禁书的重点;(4)禁书仅限于局部范围。禁书越热门,说明美国家长对下一代在道德、文化、宗教与种族主义等方面的价值取向越关注。由美国图书馆协会领导的美国图书馆组织坚决主张阅读自由,但同时尊重家长对自家孩子禁书的权力。 This article introduces the origin of Top Ten Banned Books Lists in the United States. Based on summary of Top Ten Banned Books Lists from 2001 to 2013 ,it makes analysis from aspects of the ages of readers, subjects and the persistence of the banned books. The article generalizes four characteristics of banned books. Parents are the main force of banning books. Books for teenagers and children are the main targets. Adult literary classics with problems and books relating to sex are the key points. Challenges to books are restricted to particular areas. The more attention paid on banned books, the more parents' attention paid on the younger generations' value orientation on morality.culture.religion and racism. Libraries led by ALA insist on the freedom of read, while at the same time show respect on the parents' rights of banning books for their children.
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期109-115,共7页 Journal of Academic Libraries
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"欧美图书馆学博士学位研究课题分析(09CTQ006)"的研究成果之一
关键词 禁书排行榜 禁书原因 禁书的读者年龄 禁书的主题 禁书的持续性 禁书的特点 Top Ten Banned Books Lists Reasons of Banning Books Ages of Readers of Banned Books Subjects of Banned Books Persistence of Banned Books Characteristics of Banned Books
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