Sexual legal science is an interdisciplinary science of law and sexology,dealing with the legal protection,standardization and adjustment of human sexual relationship and sexual behaviour.The human sexual relationship and behaviour play and important part not only in the continuation and development of mankind themselves,but also in the health and hapiness of humans,development of social productivity and conduct of social life.The standardization and adjustment of sexual relationship and behaviour are attained by law as well as by public opinion and social ethics.Hence,there come into being the law and rules for protecting,standardizing and adjusting the human sexual relationship and behaviour and the relevant legal science the sexual legal science.
Sexual legal science is an interdisciplinary science of law and sexology,dealing with the legal protection,standardization and adjustment of human sexual relationship and sexual behaviour.The human sexual relationship and behaviour play and important part not only in the continuation and development of mankind themselves,but also in the health and happiness of humans,development of social productivity and conduct of social life.The standardization and adjustment of sexual relationship and behaviour are at- tained by law as well as by public opinion and social ethics.Hence,there come into being the law and rules for protecting,standardizing and adjusting the human sexual relationship and behaviour and the relevant le- gal science the sexual legal science.