
网络数据安全与公民个人信息保护的刑法完善 被引量:53

Criminal Law Perfection for Cyber Security and Personal Information Protection
摘要 大数据时代网络数据安全与个人信息安全成为亟待关注的时代议题,加强个人信息保护面临现实的需求与挑战。我国刑法现有的规范体系和个人信息保护模式存在不足。具体而言,公民个人信息的概念界定上采静态方式,规范层面范围狭隘,而理论层面的范围空洞;现有的个人信息保护模式没有将信息权视为本源性权利,落实中具体要素和内在结构不明晰。因而难以应对现实需求实现对公民个人信息的有效保护。本文深入探究了网络数据安全背景下公民个人信息的刑法保护路径,从动态的概念解释,到识别标准的建立,再到权限理论的分阶段运用,极为细致地研究了公民个人信息保护的各个环节。同时,本文梳理了网络数据到个人数据、个人信息的相关概念,以数据和信息为核心建立内部关联,构建了完整协调的个人信息保护层面的信息刑法体系。 Cyber security and personal information protection in the era of big data have become urgent issues of the times. The enhancement of personal information protection is in great need and faces challenges. China's existing criminal law system and personal information protection provisions are insufficient. Specifically, the definition of personal information is static with narrow standard and hollow theories. The existing personal information protection system does not regard the right to information as indigenous rights, so that there is no clear specific elements and internal structures during implementation. As a result, the protection of people's personal information is inadequate. This article conducts an in-depth study into the protection of personal information by criminal law against the backdrop of cyber security. From the concept of dynamic definition, to the establishment of identification criteria, and then to the use of privileges theory in different stages, this article studies in details into all aspects of personal information protection. Meanwhile, the paper reviews related concepts such as network data, personal data, and personal information and builds the connection surrounding data and information, and finally sheds some light on building a complete and coordinated information criminal law system for the purpose of personal information protection.
作者 李源粒
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2015年第4期64-78,159,共15页 Journal Of CUPL
基金 2012年教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目"信息时代网络法律体系的整体建构研究"(项目编号:12JZD039)的阶段性成果
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