

Effect of heating mediums and p H on shrinkage temperature and fiber morphology of goat skin
摘要 对鞣前各加工工序中生皮在盐水、水和甘油3种介质中的收缩温度进行了测定,研究了不同加热介质中p H对软化皮、酸皮收缩温度的影响,发现外界p H接近生皮等电点时,3种介质测得的结果基本一致,当p H偏离生皮等电点过远时,测得结果相差较大。通过扫描电镜观察了软化皮、酸皮在不同介质中热收缩前后纤维的形貌变化,发现在热收缩后纤维变得更为粗大;软化皮和酸皮在以水为介质的热收缩后,纤维呈"糖葫芦"状。 The shrinkage temperatures (Ts) of goat skin in different heating mediums such as NaC1 solution, water and glycerine at beamhouse processes were determined. The effect of pH on bated and pickled pelt in different heating mediums was discussed. It shows that the Ts of skins in three mediums are basically same when external pH close to its isoelectric point, and the Ts of skins are very different when external pH is far away from the isoelectric point. The fiber morphology of bated and pickled pelt shrinked in different mediums before and after heating were observed by scanning electron microscopy. It shows that fibers become more coarse after heat - shrinking. The fibers of bated and pickled pelt in the water after heat - shrinking are gourd - shaped.
出处 《中国皮革》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第14期1-4,共4页 China Leather
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(21406135) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2013JM2008) 陕西科技大学科研启动基金(BJ13-16)
关键词 山羊皮 收缩温度 加热介质 纤维形貌 变性 goat skin shrinkage temperature heating medium fiber morphology degeneration
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