大型道路工程需要合理的任务分包与调度。在实际中,施工进度任务的调度与可用的施工资源组是密切相关的,然而不同施工资源组对相同任务的执行能力往往各不相同(即资源系统异构),这一重要特点为已有的研究所忽略。本文首先提出一个新的算法Modified Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time(MHEFT),该算法基于构建的施工进度计划DAG模型与异构资源系统模型来优化异构资源环境下道路施工进度计划;然后使用上海市南翔大型社区陈翔路工程的实际数据进行模拟实验,实验结果表明该算法在减少施工工期方面十分有效;此外,本文还通过扩展实验证明了该算法鲁棒性优越。
The reasonable task sublet and schedule is necessary in the process of large road construction projects. As a matter of fact,the optimization of construction task scheduling relies on the available resource sets.However,the resource sets usually have different executive capabilities for the same tasks( i. e. the resource systems are heterogeneous),which has been neglected in current research. This paper proposes an algorithm named MHEFT for construction task sublet and schedule on heterogeneous resource system,which is based on DAG model and a heterogeneous resource system model. The results of the application and extended simulation experiments,which use the data of Chengxiang Road construction project in Nanxiang community in Shanghai,prove the effectiveness and robustness of MHEFT.
Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture