
TTIP谈判进程、趋势及中国因素 被引量:3

TTIP Negotiations: Process, Trends, and the China Factor
摘要 美欧TTIP谈判的议题日益具体、市场准入雏形初显,但双方围绕监管和规则设定仍存在较大分歧,预计最早可能在2017年达成总体协定,更全面的协定和更具体的议题有待进一步优化、完善与充实。回顾TTIP谈判进程,其前三轮核心聚焦为市场准入,第四、五轮则集中围绕过渡性初步文本展开,第六至九轮聚焦点转向监管与规则。尽管TTIP将对中国构成围堵与挑战,但无法回避中国经济影响。因此,中国应继续全面深化改革、做大做强自身;以新的理论与观念为指导,积极创新国际经济规则与机制,构建具有经济同盟性质的伙伴关系,为发挥国际引领作用做好准备;利用自身优势加深欧美对华依赖度,在欧美经济分歧中实现机遇最大化。 Currently, between United States and Europe, the negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement(TTIP) are becoming increasingly specific. Preliminary agreement has been reached on market access. But in terms of specific regulations and rules, opinions between the two sides are so largely divided that it is estimated that a general agreement will not be reached until at least 2017. Even so, more comprehensive agreements and more specific topics are pending and need to be further optimized, improved, and enriched. Recalling the process of TTIP negotiations, the first three rounds focused on market access; the fourth and the fifth shifted focus onto the transitional, initial text, while the sixth to the ninth rounds focused on regulations and rules. Although TTIP will pose challenges to China, it cannot ignore the China factor. Therefore, the most important thing for China is to continue to deepen its own comprehensive reform, to make itself more powerful, and in this course put forward new theories and ideas on international relations, advocate innovation in international economic rules and mechanisms, and build partnerships to the extent of economic alliance, inorder to prepare for its leadership role in the economic sphere. China should also further promote its partnership with Europe and make the best use of the divisions between the United States and the European Union to better serve China's interests.
出处 《国际展望》 CSSCI 2015年第4期121-135,共15页 Global Review
基金 钮维敢主持的国家社科基金项目"冷战后美国两洋同盟演化与国际格局转型研究"(13CKS029)阶段性成果之一 2014年江苏省社会科学基金课题"实现‘中国梦’进程中的亚太秩序困境研究"(批准号14SZB002)的阶段性成果之一 江苏政府留学奖学金资助
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