A deep seismic sounding profile across the East and West Qinling Orogenic belt, the length is 560 km along the Near East-West direction layout. The recording of seismic waves from 6 explosions was conducted of 260 recorders along seismic line. The P-wave field provided good quality data for most of the profile. The authors processed, analyzed, and modeled the data which was collected during the wide-angle reflection and refraction effort. There are six phases, arrivals of refracted and reflected waves from sediments and basement (Pg), the reflected wave from the bottom of upper crust (P2), the bottom of middle crust (P3), in lower crust (P4), Moho (Pm) and head wave (Pn) of Moho. Crustal velocity structure which was obtained by seismic dynamics ray method (seis88) showed that: (1) In the Qinling orogenic belt reflecting interface dramatic ups and downs, the west areas of Lueyang- Mianxian uplift obviously, the depth difference is about 3 4 kin, the east area from Xunyang to Baihexian was sloping uplift of the westward tilt, the overalI characteristics shows that the middle deep and shallow on both sides. In the crust, the layer velocity of the east area is greater than the west part, the velocity difference is 0. 02~0. 05 km/s. (2) Lueyang-Baihe segment in upper crust and Xixiang East-Baihe segment in middle crust, the velocity contours presents the significant fluctuations and uplifting, illustrated that the velocity is very inhomogeneous in the depth area above 25 km.Lueyang, Xixiang East corresponds to Mian-Lue suture zone, Dabashan arc position on the surface. The velocity contours morphological changes consistent with the reflection interface morphology in lower crust. (3) Moho and surface elevation display mirroring, the depth range is 42~54 km, the average velocity of crust is greater from 6. 44 to 6. 48 km/s. East, West Qinling crustal thickness variation is larger, the approximate location of the boundary between Lueyang- Mianxian and xixiang east-shiquan west, respectively. The west part of Mian-Lue suture zone called the West Qinling orogenic belt, the Moho depth is 52 ~ 54 km, the deepest in Lueyang-Mianxian area is 54 km. The east area of Xixiang- Shiquan known as the East Qinling orogenic belt, Moho depth is 42~49 krn, Xixiang-Shiquan is 49~49.5 km, near Ankang is 44. 7 km, the most shallow in the near Shiyan is 42 km. Is the northern marginal zone of the Yangtze plate between East and West Qinling orogenic belt, the Moho depth is 48~49 km. The overall shape of Moho has shown that the features of the rolling and westward tilt of a stepped, the depth gradually increase, the deuth difference reaches 10~12 km between East and West Qinling orogenic belts. (4) The crustal thickening of the west area of Mian-Lue suture zone may be caused by the uplifting of the Tibetan Plateau and expansion to the northeast margin. In short, the crustal structure of East-West direction along Qinling orogenic belt is more complex, which is different from the Mountain-basin structure formatted by the plate collision. The head wave (Pn) of Moho appears after 210 km, the velocity is 7. 85~8. 0 km/s.
Progress in Geophysics
Qinling orogenic zone
deep seismic sounding
East-West direction
crustal structure